Friday started off as any normal day. However, it ended in a way I will never forget. Loni called me and asked if I was doing anything. I thought this was a joke, because, well, I like in Eek! Was I going to go see a movie? Anyway, she explained that her brother-in-law had gotten a moose and gave her family a quarter. She wanted to know if I wanted to come help with it. Of course, I was all over that!
Later that evening, I went over and helped Loni cut up her moose. I didn't actually know I was helping her until I got there. That will explain the clothes I wore. Loni's husband Micah took pictures so everyone could experience this along with me!
We cut up the moose on the kitchen floor over a tarp and some cardboard. We started by removing the hide and the top membrane. Then, we just hacked the meat off the bone. Luckily, for me, there is no special way to cut it!

This is a picture of the moose quarter and some of the ribs. Loni cut the ribs with a saw, and said they would prepare them just like any other ribs. BBQ?

Loni is holding out the tools we used to cut the moose. These are traditional women's knives. I used the smaller one.

This is me really getting into it and carving it up!

This is a picture of Loni and I cleaning the meat. After, we had finished cutting the meat from the bone we had to pick off all the hair. We wet our fingers in order to grab the hair better.
At the end of the evening I was sore, but happy. Although I'm glad I don't have to do this to all my food it was a great experience. I now have a lot more respect for the women in this village who do this all the time! Loni and I only had a quarter cut up and it took us 2 hours! Imagine a whole moose!
I left with a bag of meat for my freezer, and I have to admit I'm looking forward to preparing it!